Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Provost, A President and a Big Smile...

The last week has been one of surprise and more surprise...

I have been amazed at the way the 'machine' of 209 A Story has taken on a life of it's own. The several members of staff, namely the Personal Assistant, Renee and the Public Relations Person, Katie, have both been busy with email and letters, and phone calls. All to make the launch of the novel at Balmoral Castle a success.

It was one acceptance that made me smile.

More about this later...

At the ripe old age of 18, I was in the UK for school; as an exchange student. I was in Hampshire at one of the old schools in the country. It was certainly different to school in Australia and it is where I learned all the words to 'I Vow to Thee My Country'!

Like school in Australia, life revolved around the sound of bells. To commence the day, to go to breakfast, to start school, for lunch, to finish school, to commence sport, for showers, for dinner, for prep and finally for lights out.

I was in England on the Gap Scheme. At that stage it was organised by the Australia-Britain Society and one of the patons was Sir Zelman Cowen. He was Provost of Oriel College at Oxford. I received an invitation to visit the College and meet with the Provost. Sir Zelman had been the former Governor-General of Australia.

I found Oxford to be one of the most incredible places in the world. It is beautiful (see picture above of a very young me!) Although I was impressionable at the time, the College and the town left the most amazing mark on me. Two of my prized processions are gifts I was given while there. One was a navy blue and white flannel scraf by Eden and Ravenscroft. It was an Oriel College scarf. The other was a pewter ink-well with the the motto of the University on the lid.

When I finally met with Sir Zelman, I found him to be a very charming man and at the time, I really did not realise what a true gentleman he was. We discussed various things and my time in the United Kingdom. I met up with him in Melbourne a few years back and although now into his 90's, that same charm is still evident. I feel very honoured to have met him.

Surprise #1 A supporter of the 209 A Story in the United States sent to me an email to let me know that he had done some research on the ISBN number of my novel. He informed me that 209 A Story is the first novel in print to make reference to the new American President. A copy of the novel is being sent to the archives of the White House. I was proud.

Surprise #2 Like the Australia-Britain Society, there is also an American-Australian Association. During the 'invitation period' when invites are being extended to various VIP's to attend the launch, an email arrived into the office. Renee called me in a fluster. The American-Australian Association were asking me if I would be interested in attending a Writer's Forum in Los Angeles in May. I was proud.

Surprise #3 In 209 A Story, I have based one of the characters (Aberton Chartres-Hume) on the Oxford students I met at Oriel College- one in particular. This week I had word that Sir Derek Morris, the current Provost of Oriel College, Oxford had accepted the invitation to attend the launch at Balmoral. I was really proud... and I smiled.

Have a nice week everyone.
