Saturday, June 14, 2008

Paris Vs New York? The Publisher, The Lawyer & The Publicist

There is always one question I ask people when I first meet them...

It's a question that I have asked for as long as I can remember and it's a question that surprises some, comforts others, annoys, challenges, mystifies, stupefies and can even strike a note of discomfort. But, it is my little way of sussing somebody out, as to their character and outlook in life...

I have gotten so good at asking the question that I don't even think about it before I meet someone - I just find an opportune moment and launch on in there.

What place do you prefer Paris or New York?

Generally, it's not the first question I ask because that would be slightly unfair and a tad rude on my behalf...I did, however, do it once - and boy it was certainly not an answer I expected nor wanted. In the end - it was the only thing we talked about and I was so tired after his hour long monologue of his dislike (I even think he used the 'H' word) of the French and the Americans - that I almost considered changing my question!!!

As you can imagine the answers, over the years, have become a study in themselves. If I were an analysts of such data I would have a field day...

In general...

I have been to both - they're great
- OK response!
I have been to both - New York is too big and the French are rude
- says narrow minded.
I have only been to Paris but I would like to go to NYC some time
- says adventurer.
I have only be to New York but not had an opportunity to visit Paris
- says unromantic.
I have not been to either
- says opportunity to come...

More about that later...

It's been a tad cold recently here in Melbourne and the heater has been on for most of the week. When I hear people grumble about it I try to ignore them for most times when I want to complain I think of my long since past friend, Arthur McCrae, and how he and almost 1700 others were cast off into the northern Atlantic early on the morning of 15th April, 1912.

I am very fortunate to have visited the Fairview Cemetery in Halifax Nova Scotia. My trip to Canada was the last leg of, what I have called, my 'Arthur Trips'. You see, Arthur McCrae really was ahead of his time. When he had finsihed at Sydney Grammar School he took a year off (GAP YEAR) before attending the University of Sydney. Furthermore, after completing his studies, he became a Working Holiday Maker; firstly to Africa then to Siberia.

I just had a thought - I wonder what the look would be or reaction received if the question I posed to new acquaintances - which do you prefer Africa or Siberia? tee hee...

Anyhow, over the years I have travelled to most of the stops on Arthur's journey and it has always inspired me to continue to search for information for facts and also, to wonder what it was like for him while expanding the story line of fictitious characters in the novel... it has always been exciting and, at times, I do feel his presence with me. Not in a hocus-pocus way - just times when a decision needs to be made about something in the novel - I would often ask - What would you do, Arthur?

So, it was with this in mind that my week commenced with three serparate meetings regarding the novel. I met with potential publicist, my lawyer and the potential publisher(grrrrr!). As previously written I have taken on a business manager who travels all over the world and is someone whom I know has my best interests at heart. But it was now time to close a potential deal with a publisher and also take on someone who would represent me with/in the media.

All three got the same question... At three different meetings - Which would you prefer Paris or New York?

And I received three very different responses....

The Publisher.

The one thing I have learned over time about the publishing house industry is... they are up there with banks! It is unfair for me to mention names when I speak in the negative because my mother always told me that should I have nothing nice to say that I was to say nothing at all.

The deal that was on the table was one, in which, I was to sign away my rights to the novel, potential movie and other various media...and in return I would get 8% cut of 30% of the RRP (rec retail price) - hmmmmmmm -

How did I know what response I would get to my question? The response was sharp and to the point - 'Hate visiting Paris and the New York is not the same as it use to be!'

The Lawyer.

My lawyer is one of those old school people who is my age; married with kids and quite serious with everything he does. His wife, also a lawyer, is a mirror image of him. Their children are going to be exactly the same and the share price for Country Road, Ralph Lauren and Burberry will continue to remain firm.

He (Tom Lawyer) had a card up his sleeve... and that was the one thing that every author wants to have at a meeting regarding the offer from one of the BIG PUBLISHING HOUSES ... that being a counter offer from another publishing house!

Once again, I thought I knew what my response would be from Tom Lawyer and it was exactly what I expected until the final comments about Paris - Q. Do you prefer Paris or New York - A. I visited New York once when I was doing some research, had a good time. Took my wife to Paris after our wedding - and then said with a laugh - 'we did not see much of Paris'... ( Go Wild Tom!) - then again - they are paid to be serious! ... tee hee!

And then ... finally

The Publicist.

A mutual friend had recommended to me that a certain person by the name of Jillian Bowen was 'YOUR' ie 'MY' type of publicist.

I was happy to meet her following several email back and forth regarding stopovers in Tasmania and family shorthorn cattle trips to Dubbo. This week was it...we planned to meet.

We really did hit it off well for a business meeting. She was extremely professional and her demeanour was one of getting to know the client before making a commitment to them...

But it was her response to THE QUESTION that made me realise that I was on the right track...

New York V's Paris???

Without so much as a moment hesitation... her response ...

'I go to New York for my head and Paris for my soul'

I had found my publicist and also ... a new friend...

btw - What do you prefer Paris or New York?

Have a good week everyone and thanks for your email...

Regards Steven